Restoration Work

To date, Helena Restauri S.R.L has carried out the following work:

Client: Commune of Bologna

Subcontracted by Baschieri costruzioni. Restoration of decorative elements in stone and stucco painted in the Tassinari room.


Client: restoration completed with Academy of Fine Arts, Naples

Restoration of limestone and marble statue of Ludwig van Beethoven by sculptor Francesco Jerace, circa 1913.
Client: Campano Provincial Museum
In collaboration with Vincenzo Modugno S.R.L., restoration of Neo-Attic crater fragments, third/fourth century A.D.
Client: Private
Subcontracted by Emifildes Tecnodomus; maintenance of 6th century frescos in the cloister.
Client: Private
Subcontracted by Emifildes Tecnodomus; maintenance of two terracotta sculptures of rivers and two cement sculptures.
Restoration of internal architectural compartments; uncovering (plaster removal) and restoration of internal frescoes in the ‘Polo Penale’ section; restoration of the stucco frame and Lionello Spada’s ‘La Pesca Miracolosa’, 1607, restoration of 17th century ‘Allegory of Time’ mural.
Client: Commune of Bologna
Subcontracted by Soledid Group. Restored various stone elements of a portion of the Portico Dei Servi, and architectural aspects in brick.
Client: Campano Provincial Museum, Capua (CE)
Restoration of a limestone funeral slab dating back to the first century A.D. (For the exhibition ‘L’Italia meridionale e il Mediterraneo tra 400’ e 500’ Matera’; Palazzo Lanfranchi)
Client: Private
Securing and restoration of a mural painting on the ceiling with grotesque decoration; 19th century
Client: City of Mirabella Eclano
Securing and restoration of a Roman bath. School yard in collaboration with the Apolline Project (Ferdinando de Simone, Ben Russel) and students of the Academies of Fine Arts of Naples, Verona and Bologna.

Client: City of Mirabella Eclano

Securing and restoration of an antique mosaic floor. On-site training in collaboration with Apolline Project (Ferdinando de Simone, Ben Russel) with students from the Academy of Fine Art, Naples.
Client: Private
Subcontracted by Emilfides Tecnodomus; restoration of external facades of the Chapter cloister and restoration of frescoes in Prior’s Room, Beheading of Saint Procolo and Re Mida con le orecchie d’asino, heir wooden frames and decorated stucco.